Are you fresh wha...?
I am now Im sitting inside again xD
Its very funny because for just 3 minuttes ago I was tired
And I came from my dad today so I have been outside oO
Wierd.. but BTW... back to the days opinium subject xD
You now sports right... All this diffrent kinds of it ...
I hate football!
Really really HATE! >:(
I got always the ball in my head! :O
It attually with all balls
I have tried to got a football, a hockeyball and a shuttlecock in my head :O
But the first one was the football :S
It was when I going in second class on my old school
Mis Parkskolen :´(
I walk staight apart the playfield and so baaang! I got a ball in my backhead and fall
It didn't hurt in my head attually it was my knee there hurt because I landing on it
The boy who through the ball came and said sorry but after that day balls is my nightmare...
I can play more stupid balls games like the danish one we called "lus" on Parkskolen and "stikbold" on
The other schools but its also a softer ball xD
Handball hmmm... Im suck xD
Hockey ... good like goalie xD But not when freaks like Balle tries to attack. :S xD
Riding ... Thats my style xD
Also games like baseball I suck too :S
Ive never catch this ball and make a great shot
I can't run because Ive never choose the right time too do that
Yeah ... we can se
Sports are good ... But not for me xD
Give me a horse and Im ready :P
Thats it guys xDDDD
See'ya next time :) ...
MSA - King For A Day
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